GuidosToolbox Workbench (GWB) is a subset of the desktop software package GuidosToolbox (GTB), designed as a command-line application for Linux 64bit servers (see GWB or GTB).

Citation reference: GuidosToolbox Workbench: Spatial analysis of raster maps for ecological applications.


The current version available in SEPAL is 1.9.0

Available commands#

The complete documentation of GWB commands can be found in the GWB manual.

$ GWB_ACC        # Accounting
$ GWB_DIST       # Distance
$ GWB_FRAG       # Fragmentation
$ GWB_GSC        # GraySpatCon
$ GWB_LM         # Landscape mosaic
$ GWB_MSPA       # Morphology
$ GWB_PARC       # Parcellation
$ GWB_REC        # Recoding
$ GWB_RSS        # Restoration status summary
$ GWB_SC         # SpatCon
$ GWB_SPA        # Simplified pattern analysis
$ GWB_SPLITLUMP  # Cut/process/merge

Last updated on Nov 17, 2023.