
Create accounts with SEPAL, GEE and CEO, and request additional SEPAL resources

In this article, learn how to:

Créer un compte SEPAL#


  1. Allez sur

  2. Sélectionnez Lancement > Inscription.

  1. Create a username and enter your information into the form.

  1. Sélectionnez Inscription.

  1. Valider votre email de vérification.

  2. Créer un mot de passe.


After completing registration, ask to join the Google Group community, where you can receive general support.

For usage questions, ask the GIS StackExchange community, using the SEPAL tag.


With your new account, you can perform basic operations, such as visualizing and processing satellite imagery, saving recipes, and navigating through the platform. However, some SEPAL features are not fully available. For example, the Terminal and Tools buttons – located in the vertical Tabs bar on the left – are deactivated because these functions require an instance and a quota. To receive full access, go to the Request access section.

Demander des ressources SEPAL supplémentaires#


Pour utiliser les modules SEPAL et accéder au terminal en ligne de commande et aux outils de développement comme Jupyter ou RStudio, vous devrez demander des ressources de traitement.

  1. Select the User report button ($ 0/h) in the lower-right corner.

  2. Select Request additional resources.

  3. Remplissez le formulaire et sélectionnez Appliquer.

If you do not know how many resources you will use, see Manage your resources.


Les demandes sont évaluées par l’équipe SEPAL pour empêcher les bots et les utilisateurs malveillants d’accéder à la plate-forme.

Sign up for GEE#



While SEPAL can run computation on its own Google Earth Engine (GEE) account on your behalf, the SEPAL team highly recommends signing up to GEE to improve your experience.

If you already have a Google email address, sign up for a GEE account by going to

Request access to GEE

If you don’t have a Google email address, sign up by going to

Once you have a GEE account, access the interface by going to

GEE code editor


If you experience problems registering with GEE, ask the community.

Sign up for CEO#



To get the most out of the SEPAL platform’s Classification and Validation tools, the SEPAL team highly suggests using Collect Earth Online (CEO) for collecting point-based training and validation data.

Pour créer un nouveau compte :

  1. Open your browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox).

  2. Allez sur

  3. Sélectionnez S’inscrire.

  4. Complete the form and select Register.

  5. Log in with your email address and password.

Page d'accueil de CEO


Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe, sélectionnez Mot de passe oublié? et suivez les instructions.

Mis à jour le déc. 21, 2023.