Forest change mask ================== *Base forest mask and fragmentation tool* As a base forest mask and fragmentation tool, this application allows users to: - define an area of interest (AOI); - retrieve tree cover change data from the `Hansen et al. (2013) dataset `_; and - combine layers to produce a forest change map for a given canopy cover threshold. Background information on Global Forest Change ---------------------------------------------- Global forest change (GFC) provides global layers of information on tree cover and tree cover change since 2000 (at 30 m spatial resolution), consisting of: - tree canopy cover for the year 2000 (**treecover2000**); - global forest cover gain for 2000–2012 (**gain**); and - year of gross forest cover loss event (**lossyear**). For more information, please refer to: - Hansen, M.C. *et al.* 2013. High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change. *Science*, 342: 850–53. - University of Maryland, `Global forest change dataset `_ .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper Usage ----- .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper Select an AOI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the provided **AOI selector**, choose an AOI of your choice between different methods available in the tool. We provide three administrative descriptors (from level 0 to 2) and three custom shapes (drawn directly on the map, asset, or shapefile). .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper :title: AOI selector .. note:: If a custom AOI from a shape or drawing is selected, you can use it directly; the upload to GEE will be launched in the background. Check your `GEE code editor `_ to use it elsewhere. GFC visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two parameters are available to select the data: - Use the slider to change the threshold to consider (between forest and non-forest areas). Once you've chosen a value, select :code:`update map` to update the interactive map layers. - Use the range slider to move the dates to consider in the analysis. The new layer is a combination of GFC layers to produce a forest change map for a given canopy cover threshold. Only pixels that have tree cover above the threshold will be considered forest. Every tree-covered pixel prior to the start date will be considered as **non-forest** and every changed that occurs after the end date will be considered **stable forest**. The legend is displayed in the map. You're allowed to zoom in and out; the data will be recomputed dynamically in GEE. When changing the value of the threshold or the dates, a new layer will be added to the map, so you can compare and select the most appropriate parameters for your analysis. .. attention:: The parameters that will be used for the next step are the final values requested of the threshold. To return to a previous value, move the slider back and select :code:`update map` again. .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper Export selected data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Considering the AOI selected in **Step 1** and the parameters selected in **Step 2**, the module will generate a combination of GFC layers to produce a forest change map for a given canopy cover threshold between specific dates. It will be stored in a :code:`~/gfc_wrapper_results/` folder in your SEPAL environment. Three results will be produced: - the map of the forest change mask using the color tab presented in the interactive maps (:code:`..._gfc_map.tif``); - the distribution of each defined zone (:code:`..._gfc_stat.csv`); and - the legend of the raster (:code:`..._gfc_legend.pd```). Download these three files directly from the interface using the green buttons. The files are named after your parameters, following this convention: :code:`___.` .. attention:: The statistic computations are run in the `World Mollweide (ESRI:54009) projection `_. The results may differ if you want to get them in a local projection. .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper .. thumbnail:: :group: gfc_wrapper .. custom-edit::