R code ====== Usage ----- SEPAL instances run on :code:`focal` Ubuntu machines, providing a fully functional :code:`R 4.1.2` environment that is accessible in RStudio, JupyterLab or the terminal. .. thumbnail:: ../_images/cli/r/rstudio_example.png :title: A code run in RStudio :group: r_environment :width: 32% .. thumbnail:: ../_images/cli/r/jupyter_example.png :title: A code run in Jupyterlab :group: r_environment :width: 32% .. thumbnail:: ../_images/cli/r/terminal_example.png :title: A code run in the SEPAL terminal :group: r_environment :width: 32% Description ----------- The SEPAL :code:`R` environment is not empty; there are numerous embedded packages. .. literalinclude:: ../_data/r_packages.sh :language: sh :emphasize-lines: 20-297 To check the availability of a specific package: # Open RStudio. # Go to :guilabel:`Help` > :guilabel:`R Help`. # In the open **Help** pane, select :code:`Reference` > :code:`Packages`. .. thumbnail:: ../_images/cli/r/package_list.png :title: How to display R packages in RStudio :group: r_environment Customization ------------- The SEPAL environment can be customized to user needs by utilizing third-party packages and CRAN in RStudio. .. code-block:: r install.packages("vioplot") .. note:: If you face compatibility issues when customizing your SEPAL environment, contact the SEPAL team in the `Github issue tracker `__.